I am a parent and chemical engineer who is always curious to learn new things. I like creating logical processes to make routines more efficient and effective. As a homework engineer® I build custom learning experiences by playing to each student’s strengths.
I analyze each student and their learning preferences to identify WHAT has not worked and WHY. Looking at the pieces of the puzzle as an outside observer allows me to identify what works, what the student truly needs, and how to blend it all together.
Think about baking. You follow recipes because they give you a process to achieve a certain goal. If I had to describe my homework engineer® method in the form of a recipe it would look something like this.

Check out the Free ADHD Study Tips page for homework, studying, and organization ideas. Read the Blog for thoughts on helping kids with ADHD study and take control of their own learning process.
ADHD Coaching is offered for families and students with schedules and goals customized for each client.
Email me any time with questions about ADHD, studying, organization, and time management!
With gratitude,
Jules (she/her/hers)